Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Maternity tickers
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

3 Weeks Old

Riley is 3 weeks old already! 

He has changed so much since we brought him home.  Christmas came and went (and by the time it was over, we were all excited to have a quiet house!).  The first couple of days after Christmas were rough for me.  I think I had a little postpartum depression.  I cried all day, and for no reason.  I wanted to sleep and stay in my room.  I didn't want to use many bottles, so I was the only one who could feed him.  Riley and I were struggling to figure it out and the sleep deprivation was draining me.  My parents made Homer and I go to a movie.  We saw How Do You Know and it was great to get out of the house!  I started feeling much better after that!
We're starting to figure out a routine with Riley.  We feed him before we go to bed, usually 11 or 12, and then he wakes up around 1-2 and 5-6.  Homer takes one feeding and I take the other.  So its not too bad.  Riley and I have figured out the feeding thing and now it only takes about 30 minutes to eat, change him, eat again, and put him back to sleep.  (much improved from the hour it took when we first got home) 
We took some pictures of Riley in the hat I ordered for him, but thats about it.  I realized yesterday that we haven't been taking many pictures of him.  So I got out the camera and got some shots yesterday.  
Kaylee Beth loves Riley! She rubs his face and hugs him all the time.  She even shares her bunny with him!! She gives him kisses all the time.  She's been easy with him but sometimes squeezes him a little hard.  
I feel great after delivery.  I wasn't out for long. I was back in the gym at day 6 postpartum and since then have started zumba back up.  I havent had the horrible back pain I had with Kaylee Beth.
He's an awesome baby and we are just in love with him! It warms my heart to hold my two babies at once! :) He only cries when he's hungry and otherwise sleeps or looks around quietly.  He does want to be held a lot though, but is a wonderful snuggler!

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